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When is the right time to say goodbye to your dog?

Writer's picture: Cheadle Dog HouseCheadle Dog House

Updated: Nov 17, 2022

It’s often difficult to know how our dog is really feeling. They can’t always tell us if they are in pain so it’s our responsibility to make sure we look for signs of any changes that may suggest that their quality of life is deteriorating. You may notice your pet has become particularly withdrawn or quiet and doesn’t want any physical contact or to go out. They may have stopped eating or drinking, or find it hard to eat, drink and swallow, and their toilet habits may have changed. An injury or illness may be affecting their wellbeing but dogs being dogs, they usually won’t make any fuss about this to us. Never an easy conversation to think about, but in order to prevent further pain and unnecessary suffering it’s important to talk to your vet who will help to guide you on the right time for making a decision about euthanasia.

Should I be there?

It’s a very personal decision. If you have friends and family, talk it through. Some people prefer to be with their dog during euthanasia and others feel it’s just too difficult and feel unable to stay, preferring to say goodbye afterwards. It’s your decision; let the vet or vet nurse know and they’ll be very supportive.

What can I expect?

You may want to think about where you would prefer the euthanasia to take place. It may be at the vet surgery at an arranged time, or it may be possible for the vet to come to your home so talk to your vet about this. You will usually be asked to sign a consent form giving your permission and the euthanasia will be carried out by a vet, often with a nurse to assist.

You may want to ask for your dog to be given a sedative first to help relax them. A small patch of fur is shaved, usually from a front leg, and an injection is gently administered into a vein – a high dose of anaesthetic. As the injection is given your dog will lose consciousness within seconds. Their breathing and their heart will stop. On occasions, especially if your dog is very old or frail, or if they have had a sedative, the vet may have difficulty in locating a vein and may instead have to inject into another area of the body. It is important to remember that your dog will lose consciousness almost immediately and will not be aware of anything.

What to expect afterwards?

Your dog eyes will probably remain open, their muscles may twitch and there might be an involuntary small gasp or two. These are normal reactions after a death. Your vet will make sure that euthanasia has been completed and that your dog’s heart has stopped beating.

What happens next?

Before or after euthanasia you may want to consider having a small keepsake of your dog such as their collar or name tag, a paw print, or a small tuft of their fur. You may want to take your dog home to bury in the garden or use a pet cemetery. Another choice is cremation. Your vet may be able to organise this for you or offer contact details. Dogs may be cremated individually or communally with others. If you arrange to have your dog cremated individually you will have the ashes returned to you in a casket to keep or scatter them in a favourite spot. A communal cremation usually means that you will not be able to have your dog’s ashes returned. Either way, you can expect your dog will be treated with dignity and respect. Do ask your vet as many questions as possible about the options available, the likely costs involved, and the services and standard of care you can expect from the pet crematorium or pet cemetery. You could also remember your pet in a special way by planting flowers or a shrub, making a special photo album, or by creating a lasting memorial online.

Euthanasia – a peaceful end

If we have dogs in our lives, sooner or later it’s likely we may have to make a decision and act in their best interests concerning the end of their life. Sadly, our dogs have much shorter lives than us and when illness, injury, or old age affects their quality of life we may need to start thinking about letting them go, peacefully. So it’s important to talk it through and be guided by your vet as it helps to plan and be prepared. Euthanasia offers a peaceful and painless end to our dog’s life. Sometimes people use the phrase “put to sleep“ or “put down”, but euthanasia is the proper term.

Support for you

It can be a time of mixed and raw emotions leading up to and following euthanasia and the death of your dog. They have been a special companion and member of the family. Some people experience intense feelings of grief, similar to a human loss. Often people describe feelings of guilt or numbness over their loss and this is normal and understandable. For others, there is a sense of calm and relief. Sharing your feelings and experience with others before and after euthanasia can be helpful.

Support line

The Pet Bereavement Support Service is a confidential telephone and email support line service that offers emotional support and information for all ages.

To make contact telephone 0800 096 6606 (open every day from 8.30am – 8.30pm) or you can use the email support line

The email support line service provides support for people who prefer to write about how they are feeling.

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